La Salicorne De L'Ile De Re Francois BlanchardLa Salicorne De L'Ile De Re Francois Blanchard
©La Salicorne De L'Ile De Re Francois Blanchard|François Blanchard

La Salicorne de l’île de Ré

Discover île de Ré salicorne on your plate

Salt is white gold, and salicorne from the Ile de Ré is green gold. Harvested from salt marshes, this edible plant is perhaps best known as “the gherkin of the sea”. Create a surprise on your plate with this tasty green plant!

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La Salicorne

1/ What is the Salicorne de l’île de Ré?

Salicorne is a halophilous herbaceous plant found in the marshes of the Ile de Ré.
The beginning of the word “salicorne” starts with “sal” and refers to salt. This plant loves salt and needs it to grow and live. The end of the word is horn, referring to its shape, which is reminiscent of small horns.
Salicorne is one of the new products to emerge from the marshes of the Retais.
Eric Fortunier, head of Rive Saline, grows this plant in the north of the island, in the village of Saint-Clément-des-Baleines.

2/ Where can I find Salicorne de l’île de Ré?

You’ll find it on the island of Ré, at the Ferme des Producteurs Ré Unis du Bois-Plage, as well as in all the best delicatessens and fishmongers.

3/ When should you eat Salicorne de l’île de Ré?

What to do with this pickle from the sea? What’s the season? What does salicorne taste like?
Depending on the season, Salicorne has different flavors!
When salicorne is harvested in spring, the plant is fleshy and crunchy. Perfect for a spring salad, or even to eat raw when you’re feeling peckish, or as an aperitif.
When harvested in summer, samphire is more bitter and is best cooked as a vegetable, like green beans. Use in stews, omelettes or as a side dish with fish or meat.

4/ What does a recipe based on Salicorne de l’île de Ré look like?

Raw or cooked, how about salicorne de l’île de Ré? Decorate your plates with Salicorne de l’île de Ré!
If you decide to cook it raw, be careful! It’s a product that can’t be kept for more than a couple of days, so if you buy it, make sure you consume the island’s green gold quickly. So why not cook samphire in mustard, mayonnaise or vinegar? Or in a salad with a sprinkling of fleur de sel de l’Ile de Ré and boiled potatoes.
And if you want to cook them cooked, you can use them in a salad or as a side dish, instead of green beans for example!

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