Three cute halloween pumpkins in autumn parkThree cute halloween pumpkins in autumn park
©Three cute halloween pumpkins in autumn park

October in full colour

The autumn glow is a delight for photographers, the end-of-summer atmosphere invites long walks in the forest and the All Saints’ Day holidays are just around the corner… October is here, and the island of Ré is decked out in a thousand and one colours!

In October, we see life in pink

As part of the worldwide campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer screening, numerous events are organised every year in all the villages on the Ile de Ré.

To mark Pink October, pink umbrellas are put up in the streets and on shop-fronts to raise awareness, provide information and mobilise people.
Walks, meetings, plays, workshops and concerts are organised… So don’t hesitate any longer, take an active part in these moments of sharing, exchange and solidarity…



October in orange and black

As the month draws to a close, children’s houses, shop fronts and fancy dress costumes will be decked out in orange and a few touches of black…. The start of the All Saints’ Day holidays is punctuated by a host of fun and scary events, to the delight (or fear!) of children!
Monster Boom, pumpkin carving competitions, chilling story readings, pumpkin fest… Celebrate Halloween Rétaise-style!

Linger in front of the shop windows decorated for the occasion and take part in the trick-or-treating…

   Trick or treat!  

October in copper

Ré Majeure is an invitation to savour the excellence and refinement of classical music in the special autumn light of the Ile de Ré. It’s about mixing audiences around a common idea: offering the very best in music, for everyone.

Created in 2011 by conductor Marc Minkowski, the Ré Majeure classical music festival brings together several generations of musicians across the island of Ré every year.

From opera and chamber music to recitals and masterclasses, Ré Majeure has welcomed over 800 artists since its inception, including Jean-Claude Casadesus, Jean-François Heisser, Marianne Crebassa, the Quatuor Diotima, Manu Bigarnet’s equestrian company, Rachel Yakar, Alphonse Cemin, Guillaume Vincent, Alexandre Tharaud and Les Musiciens du Louvre.

This year, there are no fewer than 10 concerts on the island of Ré, with a varied repertoire for young and old alike!

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