125 places. Distance by foot: 300m of the port and 800m of the Place of the Republic.
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Possible to pay with PAY BY PHONE
125 places. Distance by foot: 300m of the port and 800m of the Place of the Republic.
Paying periods:
- from March 20th till November 11th of every year from 08:00 am till 8:00 pm except of 01er in July on August 31st from 08:00 am till 01:00 am.
The 1st hour is free
1/4 an hour: 1,50€
Beyond 1:15 am: 50cts 1/4 an hour
Beyond 5 hours: 80cts 1/4 an hour
Beyond 12:00 am: price for a day is 32€.