Tourist Information Label Qualite Pistes Alizee RusseilTourist Information Label Qualite Pistes Alizee Russeil
©Tourist Information Label Qualite Pistes Alizee Russeil|Alizée Russeil

The Qualité Tourisme™, « Destination of Excellence » label

The “Destination Ile de Ré” Tourist Office, created on January 1ᵉʳ, 2016, was awarded its first Qualité Tourisme™ mark on December 12, 2016.
A quality renewed during the latest audits. By 2024 or early 2025, Destination Ile de Ré will be aiming for the new “Destination d’Excellence” label!

The Qualité Tourisme™ brand, What does it involve?

It’s the only state mark awarded to tourism professionals for the quality of their welcome and services. Accommodation, restaurants, places to visit, sports and leisure activities, tourist offices, seasonal rental agencies… Qualité Tourisme™ accompanies you throughout your stay. Whether you’re visiting well-known or unusual destinations, large internationally renowned groups or small independent establishments. In 2020, more than 5,800 establishments under the brand will join forces in a single approach towards a welcome of excellence.

“The brand also means more satisfied customers, compared with the French and Euro-Mediterranean averages.

  • on value for money: 66% higher,
  • staff welcome: 50% higher,
  • overall quality: 20% higher,
  • intention to revisit: 12% higher.

As of September 1, 2024, the “Qualité Tourisme” label will be put into extinctive management, before disappearing on December 31, 2026 (see “Destination d’Excellence” information below).

In 2024, Qualité Tourisme™ becomes a "Destination of Excellence"!

The new Destination d’excellence label aims to enhance quality across the entire tourism offering: accommodation, catering, visitor and leisure facilities, tourist information points (tourist offices in particular) and transport.

It replaces the “Qualité Tourisme” mark as of May 2024.

Do you have a complaint, suggestion or thank-you to share with us?

As part of our drive to continually improve our services, and more generally to enhance the quality of the welcome we offer to visitors to the Ile de Ré, any complaints, verbal comments, suggestions or thanks from our visitors are a real mine of information.

All this information is processed, analyzed and reported:

  • Directly to the professionals, local authorities and departments concerned by the complaint,
  • To the management of the tourist office during the Destination Ile de Ré tourist office’s monthly quality reviews,
  • During the Destination Quality Group, made up of service providers representing the economic and tourist activity of the Ile de Ré, elected representatives, members of the Destination Ile de Ré tourist office management and its quality manager.
    The group meets at least twice a year to discuss any malfunctions encountered and identify avenues for improvement. It serves as a genuine meeting point for exchanges between socio-professionals, local authorities and the tourist office.
  • In our activity reports, which are freely accessible and shared annually with local authorities and partners.

I file

a complaint
a suggestion,
a thank you.

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