Creative workshop and exploration of the world of beekeeping by L'Abeille de Ré

15 chemin du Corps de Garde, 17111 Loix
Discover the creative beekeeping workshop in Loix!
A unique family experience!
Discover the fascinating world of bees in Loix with your family at our creative and exploratory beekeeping workshop! Perfectly suited to families with children, this workshop offers you an experience packed with learning and fun.

Your adventure starts here! Your children will learn about the life cycle of bees and the importance of biodiversity.

Each session is designed to be accessible and engaging for children of all ages, guaranteeing an unforgettable time for your curious little...


Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
Quality standards
Famille plusFamille plus
Bank/credit cardBank/credit card
Online paymentOnline payment


Creative workshop and exploration of the world of beekeeping by L'Abeille de Ré
15 chemin du Corps de Garde, 17111 Loix
Contact Creative workshop and exploration of the world of beekeeping by L'Abeille de Ré
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Updated on 12 December 2024 at 12:09
by Destination Ile de Ré
(Offer identifier : 7194093)
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