Terms and conditions

In compliance with the provisions of the General Regulation for Data Protection, RGPD, of May 25, 2018.

Legal Notice

1. Legal information

2. Access and content

3. Privacy policy

3.1 When do we process data?

3.2 What categories of data do we process?

3.3 For what purposes is data collected?

3.4 To whom is the data transmitted?

3.5 How long is the data stored?

3.6 What are your rights?

3.7 Data security

3.8 International data transfer

4. Cookies

5. Intellectual property

6. Liability

7. Links

8. Modification legal notice

1. Legal information

1. The www.iledere.com website (hereinafter referred to as the “site”) is the property of the Communauté de Communes de l’Ile de Ré located at 3 rue du Père Ignace 17 410 Saint Martin de Ré.

2. The Communauté de Communes de l’Ile de Ré has entrusted the SPL Destination Ile de Ré with the publishing and management of the site within the framework of a public service delegation.

3. The local public company SPL Destination Ile de Ré, whose registered office is rue des embruns – Zac des Mirambelles Bâtiment les Mirambelles II 17580 Le Bois-Plage-en-Ré – registered under number 817 449 689 00022; RCS La Rochelle – telephone: +33 (0)5 46 09 00 55 – e-mail address:([email protected]) is the publisher of the site (hereinafter referred to as SPL Destination Ile de Ré).

4. The site’s publication director is Mrs Gisèle Vergnon, Managing Director of SPL Destination Ile de Ré.

5. The service provider responsible for direct storage and hosting of the site is the web agency Raccourci, whose head office is at 18 boulevard Maréchal Lyautey 17000 La Rochelle ( website: www.raccourci.fr ).

2. Access and content

6. The user acknowledges having read these terms and conditions and undertakes to comply with them.

7. Access to the site is free.

8. However, certain parts of the site are accessible only to users with a personal account and password.

9. Access by site users without a personal account is strictly limited to the free area of the site.

10. Site users who do not have a personal account are prohibited from accessing personal accounts and undertake not to enter or attempt to enter such accounts. Any such access will be considered as fraudulent access within the meaning of the provisions of the French Penal Code.

11. Should the user of the site who does not have a personal account inadvertently enter such an account without right, he/she undertakes to inform the site editor at the following address: [email protected].

12. The user of the site undertakes to consider that all data of which he/she becomes aware during such access to the personal account are confidential data and consequently undertakes not to divulge them.

13. The site user acknowledges that he/she has the necessary skills and means to access and use this platform.

14. The site user acknowledges having checked that the computer configuration used is virus-free and in perfect working order.

15. SPL Destination Ile de Ré makes every effort to provide users with available and verified information and tools, but cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of functionalities or the presence of viruses on its platform.

16. The site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, the site editor cannot be held responsible for any discontinuities in the site and its services, whether voluntary or involuntary. In addition, for maintenance reasons, the site editor may interrupt its platform and will endeavor to give users prior notice.

17. The information provided on the site is for information purposes only and does not exempt the user from carrying out a complementary and personalized analysis.

18. The user undertakes to use the site’s services and all the information to which he or she may have access only for purposes that comply with public policy, accepted standards of behaviour and the rights of third parties.

19. The user undertakes not to commit any act that could jeopardize the computer security of the site or the computer systems of other users.

20. The user undertakes not to interfere with or interrupt the normal operation of the site.

21. The user undertakes, when requested, to provide only complete, accurate and up-to-date information concerning him or herself.

3. Privacy policy

22. The purpose of this policy is, in particular, to inform users, of the methods of collection, processing, and use of their personal data and of their rights in terms of personal data protection with regard to the provisions applicable in this area, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation of May 25, 2018.

3.1 When do we process data?

23. In particular, data concerning you is collected or processed in whole or in part on the occasion of:

– the management and monitoring of account creation and the relationship with users and customers in general ;

– management and follow-up of orders, payments and customer relations;

– customer account management;

– sales and marketing management;

– quality and satisfaction measurement;

– commercial prospecting and personalization of offers;

– management of the user feedback area;

24. Data is collected directly from you, at your request and when you use the site.

3.2 What categories of data do we process?

25. Several types of personal data may be collected in the course of using the website and related services.

26. Mainly data collected in the following categories:

– identity-related data (surname, first name, address, e-mail address, etc.)

– data relating to means of payment;

– data relating to the follow-up of the commercial relationship;

– connection data (date, time, Internet address, visitor’s computer protocol, page consulted, etc.);

27. Compulsory data is indicated on collection forms by an asterisk. In their absence, the service linked to this collection may not be provided.

3.3 For what purposes is data collected?

28. Depending on the case, SPL Destination Ile de Ré processes all or part of your data for the following main purposes:

– management and follow-up of account creation and customer relations in general ;

– management and follow-up of orders, payments and customer relations;

– customer account management;

– sales and marketing management;

– quality and satisfaction measurement;

– commercial prospecting and personalization of offers.

3.4 To whom is data transmitted?

29. The data processed is intended for the following persons, depending on the case:

– as the case may be, the various departments of Destination Ile de Ré (Sales department, Customer department; Quality department); [4] – any subcontractors and contractual partners

– any subcontractors and contractual and commercial partners (tourist information system, booking engine, web service provider, sales follow-up tool, customer relations management, etc.);

30. In addition, data may be communicated to any authority legally entitled to know about it, in particular in the event of a judicial requisition from the judicial, police or administrative authorities.

3.5 How long will data be kept?

31. SPL Destination Ile de Ré retains your data in accordance with a retention period policy designed to ensure that data is kept for a period that is proportionate to the purpose for which it was collected.

3.6 What are your rights?

32. In accordance with the provisions of the implementation of the General Regulation for Data Protection, you have the right to access, query and rectify data concerning you.

33. You also have a right to information, access, limitation, rectification, deletion, portability and objection concerning your personal data. You also have the right to object to your data being used for canvassing purposes, in particular commercial canvassing.

34. You also have the right, depending on the case, to have your data rectified, completed, updated, blocked or deleted if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, out of date, or if its collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited.

35. You may exercise your rights by writing to the following e-mail address: [email protected].

36. In the interests of confidentiality and personal data protection, SPL Destination Ile de Ré must verify the identity of the user before replying to his/her request. Consequently, any request to exercise these rights must be accompanied by a copy of a signed identity document.

3.7 Data security

37. SPL Destination Ile de Ré uses a wide range of intelligent security measures (physical, electronic and administrative) to protect the information we collect about you from misuse by any third party who should not have access to it. The measures we put in place protect you against any unlawful processing of your data, as well as against any accidental loss, destruction or damage.

3. 8 International data transfer

38. In certain cases, SPL Destination Ile de Ré transfers your personal data to service providers outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who guarantee to use the same standards as SPL Destination Ile de Ré with regard to the protection of your data. Your data is processed securely at all times.

4. Cookies

39. Users are informed that during their visits to the site, one or more cookies may be automatically installed on their browser software and terminal equipment.

40. A cookie is a block of data used to record information relating to the user’s browsing on the site.

41. The cookies used by SPL Destination Ile de Ré are used to analyze the number of visitors and the use made of the site.

42. Browser settings allow users to be informed of the presence of one or more cookies and, if necessary, to refuse them.

43. Users may, if they wish, activate or deactivate the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser software.

44. Each browser is configured differently to manage cookies and user choices. It is described in the help menu of the user’s browser, which will tell him how to modify his cookie choices. By way of example:

Safari™: https://support.apple.com/fr-fr/guide/safari/ibrw850f6c51/mac

Chrome™: https://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647

Firefox™: https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/cookies-informations-sites-enregistrent

45. It is not possible to provide detailed and up-to-date information on these parameterization elements, which are under the sole exclusive control and authority of the browser software publishers.

46. For information purposes, users can obtain additional information :

– from the publishers of their browsers on their own websites ;

– more generally on the Cnil website at www.cnil.fr, using the keyword “cookies” in search engines.

47. The user is informed that such deactivation could prevent the use of certain functions, pages and areas of the site, for which SPL Destination Ile de Ré cannot be held responsible.

48. SPL Destination Ile de Ré draws the user’s attention to the fact that when he accepts or opposes the installation or use of a cookie, a consent or refusal cookie is installed on his terminal equipment. If the user deletes this consent or refusal cookie, he or she will no longer be identified as having accepted or refused the use of cookies. Consent or refusal cookies must remain on the user’s terminal equipment.

49. The user has the right to access, withdraw and modify personal data communicated via cookies under the conditions indicated above.

50. The user is required to comply with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, the violation of which is punishable by criminal penalties.

51. In particular, he/she must refrain from collecting or misusing any personal information to which he/she has access or may have access, and in general from any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals.

5. Intellectual property rights

52. The site’s content, general structure, software, texts, images (animated or not), photographs, know-how and all other elements making up the site are the exclusive property of SPL Destination Ile de Ré or its partners who have authorized it.

53. Any total or partial representation of this platform by any person whatsoever without the express authorization of SPL Destination Ile de Ré is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles of the Intellectual Property Code.

54. The same applies to any databases appearing on the website, which are protected by articles of the French Intellectual Property Code.

55. The distinctive signs of SPL Destination Ile de Ré and its partners, such as domain names, brands, names and logos appearing on the site are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code.

56. Any total or partial reproduction of these distinctive signs from elements of the site without the express authorization of SPL Destination Ile de Ré is therefore prohibited, within the meaning of the French Intellectual Property Code.

6. Liability

57. Insofar as possible, SPL Destination Ile de Ré ensures, prior to distribution, the sincerity and conformity of messages and elements appearing on its website. In this respect, it has only a simple obligation of means, and can in no way guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information and content of its site, particularly with regard to content (written or visual, photographs) transmitted by partners.

7. Links

58. Users of and visitors to the site may not set up a link to this site without the express prior authorization of the site editor.

59. under no circumstances may this authorization be construed as an implicit affiliation agreement.

60. In any event, links to the site must be removed at the first request of SPL Destination Ile de Ré.

61. SPL Destination Ile de Ré reserves the right to set up links on its platform giving access to web pages other than those on its platform.

62. Users are formally informed that the sites to which they may have access via links do not belong to SPL Destination Ile de Ré.

63. SPL Destination Ile de Ré cannot be held responsible for access by users via links set up within the framework of the site to other resources present on the Internet network, nor for the content of the information provided on these sites as a result of activating the link.

8. Modification of legal notice

64. SPL Destination Ile de Ré reserves the right to modify and update this legal notice at any time and without prior notice.

65. The user is therefore invited to consult it regularly.


1. Preamble

2. Forum moderation

3. Relevance

4. No publication of notices

5. Confidentiality

6. Politeness

7. Respect for the law

8. Duration of publication

9. Right of reply

10. Acceptance and enforceability

1. Preamble

1. The purpose of this charter is to define the rules for publication in the online reviews area accessible on the pages of the www.iledere.com website (hereinafter referred to as the site).

2. Moderation is a decisive element for SPL Destination Ile de Ré, which is part of an overall policy of respect for ethics and constitutes an essential requirement with regard to the good behaviour that each user must observe on the online review space, in order to protect the image of the Ile de Ré community of municipalities and SPL Destination Ile de Ré.

2. Moderation of the online review area

3. The purpose of moderation is to ensure that users comply with the rules laid down by SPL Destination Ile de Ré.

4 To this end, moderation consists of consulting all content to be published or present on the online notice space.

5. Moderation applies to all notices to be published and may concern any content posted on the online notice space that has been reported by users or third parties.

3. Relevance

6. To post a review, the user must be over 18 years of age and not be working for a competing establishment on the Ile de Ré territory.

7. Reviews must relate to a real experience and concern exclusively a listing corresponding to a place visited by the user. If a user leaves two reviews, the first review in terms of date and time will take precedence.

8. Reviews must comply with the following three fundamental conditions:

– no discrimination ;

– no comparison ;

– no insults.

In addition, it is forbidden to create several accounts in order to multiply reviews on a place. By posting a review, the user agrees to be contacted by SPL Destination Ile de Ré to verify the authenticity of the review by e-mail or telephone.

4. Non-publication of reviews

9. Users are informed that their review will not be published on the site for the following reasons :

– the content of the review contains insults, rudeness, attacks ;

– the content contains random characters or word sequences without any meaning or is so poorly written as to be unintelligible;

– the content is irrelevant to the subject noted;

– the textual content is spam;

– the content of the notice calls for legal action;

– the message is of an advertising nature;

– failure to comply with any other stipulation of the present publication charter.

10. Users whose online notice has not been published will be informed of the reasons for rejection.

5. Confidentiality

11. Confidentiality is a fundamental value on the site. Notices containing :

– personal information, such as surname, first name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, website, URL address;

– any indication that could identify an individual, or that could harm the confidentiality of relations between the user and SPL Destination Ile de Ré.

6. Politeness

12. Users are requested :

– to write notices in correct French and to check spelling,

– not to write messages in “SMS” language,

– not to write messages in capital letters.

7. Compliance with the law

13. The following are prohibited by law, and are therefore forbidden on the site:

– incitement to racial hatred and racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic comments ;

– denial of crimes against humanity and recognized genocides, and apology for war crimes and/or terrorism;

– homophobic or sexist comments;

– comments of a violent, pornographic or paedophilic nature;

– defamation and insults between Internet users or towards a third party,

– infringement of privacy or presumption of innocence, identity theft,

– infringement of copyright and intellectual property rights;

– incitement to commit crimes or offenses, apology for narcotics ;

– incitement to murder or suicide;

– promotion of an organization recognized as sectarian.

14. Regular non-compliance with these rules may result in a warning from our service, which may lead to suspension of the user’s account.

8. Publication rules

15. Users are informed that publications will follow the following rules:

– display notices from the most recent to the oldest ;

– display all notices in their entirety;

– display the date of the notice and any updates;

– posting of the notice within a maximum of 15 days after the date of submission, subject to compliance with the stipulations of the present charter.

– right of reply, free of charge and published within 8 days, for establishments referred to in a notice.

9. Duration of publication

16. Notices are published for a limited period of 4 years from the date of publication.

17. Notices concerning establishments that have closed or changed ownership are deleted.

18. Users may request the removal of their review from the site at any time by sending an e-mail to the following address: [email protected].

10. Right of reply

19. Each establishment located on the Ile de Ré that is a partner of SPL Destination Ile de Ré has a free right of reply to :

– give its version of the facts ;

– thank the author for his or her contribution;

– indicate any corrections made since the notice was written;

– point out any doubts about the authenticity of this notice, which may have been written by an unscrupulous competitor.

20. The right of reply arising from reviews published on the site is automatically offered to SPL Destination Ile de Ré’s partner.

21. Messages constituting the right of reply are published within 8 days of the corresponding notice.

11. Acceptance and enforceability

22. The user’s acceptance of the present charter takes the form of a “click” and constitutes proof that the user has taken cognizance of the said provisions and will be deemed irrevocable acceptance of the present.

23. SPL Destination Ile de Ré reserves the right to make any amendments to this charter that it deems necessary and useful.

24. In order to facilitate the reading of reviews by users of the www.iledere.com website , the user authorizes SPL Destination Ile de Ré to publish the following information on the review submitted:

– the number of reviews submitted ;

– the user’s first name or pseudonym ;

– the status of the notice ;

– the date the review was submitted.


How our online booking service works

The iledere .com intermediation service

Through the ” www.iledere.com” website, Destination Ile de Ré provides an online information and booking service through which all suppliers of accommodation, and other services, can offer their products and services for booking, and through which visitors to the site can make a booking.

In accordance with Article 133 of Law No. 2015-990 of August 6, 2015 for growth, activity and equal economic opportunity, ” www.iledere.com ” acts as an agent for these suppliers under an agency agreement.

Destination Ile de Ré does not itself provide the services offered on the ” www.iledere.com ” website, and as such does not itself rent accommodation or other services.

By making a reservation via the “www.iledere.com” website, you are entering into a direct contractual relationship with the supplier with whom you are making the reservation. Destination Ile de Ré will forward the details of your booking to the supplier(s) concerned and will send you a confirmation e-mail in the name and on behalf of the supplier.

Please note that it is the supplier who processes your payment and accepts your booking.

If you make a booking with a supplier, you agree to read and abide by the supplier’s site terms and conditions of purchase and use, privacy policy and any other rules or policies relating to the supplier’s site or property.

Our information and booking service is free of charge to the user.

Destination Ile de Ré does not charge any reservation, cancellation or booking fees to customers and any payment made by the customer by credit card is not collected by Destination Ile de Ré, as it is collected directly by the supplier.

Our partners

The partners authorized to offer their products or services for booking and whose offers appear on the ” www.iledere.com ” website are professionals or private individuals authorized to sell.

Destination Ile de Ré maintains a contractual relationship with the partners listed on its site.

Within the framework of this contractual relationship, Destination Ile de Ré does not receive any commission from the partner after the customer has stayed with the partner or consumed the service or product. Failure by the partner to comply with its obligations to Destination Ile de Ré may result in the partner being dereferenced. SPL Destination Ile de Ré has no capital ties with the accommodation, service providers and restaurants listed on its site.


The products and services offered for booking on the ” www.iledere.com ” site cannot be exhaustive.

The results displayed are not exhaustive of all the establishments visible on the Internet.

The suppliers listed do not necessarily offer all of their products and services on the “www.iledere.com” website.

You will find on the results page the number of partners in the field where the service/product is sought.


The information on offers communicated on the ” www.iledere.com ” website is based on information provided by the partners, who update it (prices, availability, photos, options) at their own discretion and at their own pace, via the website Extranet to which they have access.

Destination Ile de Ré strives to update the www.iledere.com website in real time.

Ranking/Referencing of offers

Home page of the ” www.iledere.com ” website:

Partners highlighted in the various sections of the site on :

– the full-page banner in the “You’ll love it” section,

– the thumbnails in the “Coups de cœur” banner

– The calendar insert on the home page reserved exclusively for events

are displayed for a fee defined by the contractual relationship between the partner and Destination Ile de Ré.

The pop-up window on the home page is reserved for events that correspond to the destination’s positioning, in return for the value of event tickets.

iledere.com results pages:

The offers or services concerned are classified:

– In the “Bons Plans” section, the partners featured are defined randomly every day, from among all the partners who have created at least one “bon plan” from the site’s Extranet at their disposal. The number of “bons plans” varies. There are no predefined quotas.

– For listings at the top of the list (or the top list), it is possible to have up to five ads blocked at the top of the list per sub-section: according to a fee defined by the contractual relationship between the partner and Destination Ile de Ré.

– The other ads in the subheadings are displayed, by default, first, suppliers offering to book their service(s) through our reservation system, then suppliers offering to book their service(s) through another reservation system, and finally, suppliers not offering to book their service(s).

– Bienvenue chez nous” video capsules in the dedicated category highlighting service providers that match Destination Ile de Ré’s positioning : : for a fee defined by the contractual relationship between the partner and Destination Ile de Ré.

Advertisements (by the week, according to a remuneration defined by contractual relationship between the partner and Destination Ile de Ré and subject to availability over the requested period), in :

– search menus, up to 3 advertisers, “front page content

– sections, via pop-up windows

– content pages in Explorer, Discover or Inform sections, with the option of a banner or “spotlight” insert.

For added convenience, users can also sort results according to filters (commune, payment methods, labels, stars, comfort, services…).

Default ranking :

Default ranking is based on a fully automatic ranking system. The algorithm used takes into account multiple criteria including not only a supplier’s popularity with customers, but also the rates applied.

Ranking by price :

Offers will be displayed in order from lowest rate first to highest rate.

The rates displayed on the site are those set and communicated by the partners.


Ranks establishments on the basis of availability of establishments with our partners and also on the basis of “Ranking” (see above)

Stars :

Stars are set by our partners. Offers will be displayed in the order of the number of stars (ascending or descending). Hotel star ratings represent the hotel’s status in relation to hotel industry standards for rates, facilities and services. The stars used by non-hotel establishments (such as Bed & Breakfasts) may not correspond to the star rating applicable to hotels.

Last updated on 08/30/2024

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